Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advice to Baruch College

In Baruch, one of the main problems I see is the lack of available computers during busy hours. I think making a Twitter account that updates what is going on, which labs are open and closed, at what times, makes it a little easier and more organized for students to find available computers more efficiently. The twitter can be updated by the lab monitors that are working for that hour.

There also seems to lack community within students in the school. Even though the school layout was apparently built for the purpose of the increased interactions of the students, I really do not see it working. Maybe use those televisions around the school to put a "cloud" like twitter updates from different users. Students can use a hash tag such as for example #baruchcloud in their tweets. Students should also be allowed to voice their opinions on different things in the school using this. 

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I strongly agree with you. You know what? Last semester, the lab hour on the 6 floor in VC was until 8 pm. But it had changed till 6 pm. That's pretty bad.
