Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Social Networking Sites

    Upon viewing each social networking site (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Bebo), I can see many differences between each one.
    Twitter for example, is a very simple, clear-cut website compared to the other two. With only 140 characters per "tweet" or similar to a "status update", users have to get straight to the point. Of course there are services out there that gives you more characters but it actually gives a clickable link in order to view the whole "tweet". There also seems to have a lot of "bots" that follow you according to your tweets. For example, if you tweet something that has the word "technology" in it, a technology based twitter account may follow you.
    Facebook on the other hand is very different. There are many more options of what you can do on it. From games to fan pages, it is all on Facebook. You see many different advertisements of different companies on the website probably due to the large amount of users creating exposure to their businesses. Though there are so many things one can do on Facebook, the website it self seems very organized and everything is easy to find.
    Myspace, similar to Facebook, there are more things to do than Twitter. Myspace however, seems to be more music oriented with many advertisements of different artists in the music industry at the moment.
    And finally Bebo, not as popular as the other three, seems to have a combination of each. You still have a profile like Facebook and MySpace. But Bebo also has games, a mini feed that you can see right when you enter the page like Twitter, and the ability to upload media such as pictures.
    Though all of these sites has different attributes, their main goal is to connect people over the internet. Either friends, family, or even strangers, each one has a different way in doing it. Personally, I think Facebook does the best job out of the three from their easy to use website and large user base, you can almost be sure you can find the person you are looking for!


  1. I agree, I think Twitter is very simple to use, but only because of the fact that there is not much to do on it. In contrast Myspace is very customizable and Facebook has a lot of different apps and games.

  2. I also agree that Twitter is the most easiest site to communicate with other people but Facebook overall is the better site because of its applications and games and the way you can interact with others.
