Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Social Networking

     When most of us think of Social Networking, the number one website that comes to mind will probably be Facebook. Though, originally created for college students, it currently has users of all age groups. "Older" people are beginning to become more internet savvy and are creating Facebook accounts. Some of you may know what I am talking about when you see one day a new friend request and it is from your parents. But is social networking just for "networking"? Can it be used in another fashion?
     Actually, they can. According to the news article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", recruiters are finding social networking websites such as Facebook and a less popular one, Linkedin, to be very effective in finding the people they need and are interested in. Of course this can be the other way around. "Such sites also help job hunters market themselves online by setting up profiles, listing work history and specific skills." By creating an account, these employers will be able to find you.
     Another benefit, other than employers being able to find you for a position in their company, is the improved organization of a existing company. Twitter was originally created for employees of a company to communicate with each other. Now, of course, everyone can join.
     With everything good, there has to be something that is bad. Many people have become "addicted" to these social networking sites without even them knowing it. In the article "Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Quorum", Steve Chazin writes, "As one who was bitten early by the Blackberry bug, I can attest that the pull of these wireless electronic leashes is often too strong to resist." People just cannot let go of their mobile devices, computers, and electronics for an extended period of time. Especially with the smartphones out now that makes it so easy for one to access these sites.
     In the future, I believe these sites will be integrated in our everyday life even further. With appliances that has options to access these websites. There are already cars out now, for example the Chevy Cruze, that the driver can command the car to "read" the latest Facebook status updates as you are driving, and televisions that have Twitter and Facebook access. I believe soon, things like refrigerators, mirrors, and even tables (like the Microsoft Surface) will be able to access these websites.

1 comment:

  1. I am very intrigued on how you view the evolution of social networking and would like to know more on your view of what they have in store for us maybe a few years down the row. I also agree with how you see people get addicted to these social networks, constantly checking facebook or twitter reading each update or relationship status. It has become almost an necessity to go through our day as we make it part of our daily routine mixed in with work, school, and food.
